Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Kertas 2 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Sains Tingkatan 4


Kertas 1 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Sains Tingkatan 4

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The Current Issues on PPSMI

Vice Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, states that student that study under PPSMI system will be allowed to follow the system which is English as their language until they finish their study until form 5.

here are the details on the issues:

1. All students from years 2 to form 5 this year and is currently pursuing PPSMI system will be allowed to continue their studies in accordance with the system until they graduated.

2.  Starting next year all students of national schools from year 3 to year 6 will be allowed to continue their studies in mathematics and science subjects in either English, Bahasa Malaysia or both

3. Any student who is following both of these subjects in Bahasa Malaysia or English, will be allowed to continue their studies in Bahasa Malaysia.

4. Learning and Teaching of science and mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia will start from the year 2016 for primary schools.

5. For secondary schools, the two subjects will be taught entirely in Bahasa Malaysia start from the year 2021.  

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


     Misconception for light, colour and sight
1.      An image can be seen on the screen regardless of where the screen is placed relative to a lens.  To see a larger image on the screen, the screen should be moved further back.
2.      An image is always formed at the focal point of a lens.
3.      The size of an image depends on the size (diameter) of the lens used to formed the image.
4.      An observe can see more of his or her mirror image by moving further back from the mirror.
5.      Light always passes straight through transparent material (without changing direction).
6.      Light is reflected away from shiny surfaces, but light is not reflected from other surfaces.
7.      Light is not necessarily conserved.  It may disappear or be intensified.
8.   When an object is viewed through a transparent material, the object is seen exactly where it is located.

True concept for light colour and sight

1.      To see large image, the object should move between F and 2F.
2.      The formation of an image can be produced if the object came from an infinity distance  from the lens.
3.      The image formed depend on the radius of the lens, centre of curvature.
4.      The size of the image will remain the same as the size of the object
5.      When a light ray goes from one transparent or  translucent material to another it continues to move through the material but not in the same direction due to index of refraction.
6.      The surface of a material must be smooth for reflection to occur. Light is reflected from shiny surfaces because light is not absorbed.
7.      Light is conserved. It cannot be destroyed or created
8.      The light is bending because it looks like the object has shifted a  bit.When the pencil is placed in the water it looks like the part that is in the water is disjointed from the part that is still in air.  This is because of refraction.